Section 504
Prevention & Support Director
Welcome to Section 504/ADA for Dallas County Schools
Dr. Tanya Miles
Section 504 Supervisor
Child Find / 504 Notice Dallas County Schools
The Dallas County School System has a duty to locate, evaluate and identify any child residing in the District who qualifies for Section 504 accommodations or services.
Children eligible for Section 504 accommodations or services include those children who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.
If you suspect your child has a disability and may require Section 504 accommodations, or if you would like additional information, please contact your child's teacher or call Dr. Tanya Miles, District Section 504 Coordinator, Dallas County Schools, 429 Lauderdale Street, Selma, AL 36701, telephone (334) 875-3440.
What is Section 504??
Section 504 is part of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination based solely upon disability in any program receiving federal financial assistance. Any discrimination would subject the entire institution to the possible loss of federal funding.
Any public school that receives federal funds is subject to the requirements of Section 504. Students who have a disability that meets the general definition of a disability but that does not fall into one of the IDEA categories above might be eligible for services under Section 504.
Unlike IDEA, Section 504 does not describe a precise procedural scheme for implementation. Instead, school districts set their own policies, but most use a process very similar to that used for special education students. The procedures outlined in the Section 504 Processes Flowchart may be used to determine eligibility for students within your school. (Access this document in "Downloads")
- Section 504