Child Nutrition
Child Nutrition Policies
Procurement Plan
Meal Charge Policy
Smart Snack Policy
Wellness Policy
Worthless Check Policy
Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data
for School Meal Programs
Accommodating Special Dietary Needs in SNP
Mission Statement
Dallas County Schools' Child Nutrition Program (CNP) strives to provide students with the best possible nutrients under the best possible health & safety conditions. We aim to nurture the physical and scholastic development of our students by providing high quality, nutritious meals and to motivate healthy food choices by offering nutrition education.
During the 2023-2024 school year, the Dallas County School District will participate in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) on all campuses under the United States Department of Agriculture Community Eligibility Amendment of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. This means, meals will be served to all students enrolled in our schools at no charge regardless of their eligibility.
Menus are planned to comply with the following:
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, Public Law 111-296, enacted in December 2010
- Requires the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to develop nutrition standards for “competitive foods “items sold in vending machines and snack bars comply with reimbursable meal”.
- Requires USDA to update the current meal pattern (nutrition standards) for school meals
- Provides schools an additional 6 cents per lunch (not breakfast) to meet these new standards
- Provides free, healthy school meals to more children in need
- Does NOT affect food brought from home or served in classroom parties. USDA will not regulate occasional bake sales or fundraisers
USDA’s New Meal Pattern (Nutrition Standards) for School Meals, released January 2012, effective starting July 2012, establishes maximum calorie and sodium limits for meals.
- Requires schools to serve larger portions of fruits and vegetables. Students must take at least one fruit or vegetable serving per meal (dark green vegetables, orange/red) and legumes at least once a week.
- As of July 1st, 2014, all grains offered to students must be whole grain-rich.
- Requires milk to be 1% or nonfat (flavored milk must be nonfat).
- Maintains current limits on fat: no more than 1/3 of school lunch (1/4 of school breakfast) calories can come from fat; less than 10% from saturated fat.
Fun Nutritious Websites!!!
- Nutrition